Whistle R Hershey

Whistle R Hershey

ADCA Reg. No:  017314
Volume:  XXIX
Gender:  Cow
Polled:  No
Color: Dun
Parentage DNA: 
Date of Birth:  05/04/2005
Breeder:  James & Linda Smith (#2865 / 2025)
Whistle Ranch
10583 W Castlegate Lane
Bois D' Arc, MO
(417) 689-3574
Owner:  Regina & Kenneth Heddlesten (#9665 / 2016)
Heddlesten Homestead
312 S Mayes Street
Adair, OK
(918) 504-0971
Progeny (1)


Whistle R Hershey
Lake View Jedi BlackH
Shuck's Red Dandy Red or DunH Emerald Hiram "Red" Red or DunH Emerald Chester BlackH Rocky Brae Clancy BlackH
Highland Dolly BlackH
Emerald Candee BlackH Rocky Brae Clancy BlackH
Gypsy Jenny BlackH
Emerald Isabella BlackH Twainland Duo Charlie BlackH Twainland Aril BlackH
Twainland Samara BlackH
Emerald Connie BlackH Rocky Brae Clancy BlackH
Highland Lilly BlackH
Rock Erin BlackH Emerald Chester BlackH Rocky Brae Clancy BlackH Fergus Von Der Vogelweide BlackH
Miss Tam Jackson Thalia BlackH
Highland Dolly BlackH Highland Jason BlackH
Highland Spring BlackH
Emerald Dandie BlackH Rocky Brae Clancy BlackH Fergus Von Der Vogelweide BlackH
Miss Tam Jackson Thalia BlackH
Twainland Carpel BlackH Colorado Charlie BlackH
Innagain Finnagain BlackH
S & N Rose of Br'er Patch BlackH
MLW Dark Saturn BlackH Sunny Dale Zebe BlackH Saturn of Knotting (2291) BlackH Sarum Bullrush BlackH
Knotting Sarah BlackH
Cranworth Tillie BlackH Aldebaran Priapus BlackHB
Millie Klein of HyDrif BlackH
MLW Rudale Fergi BlackH Lucifer of Knotting RedHA Jupiter of Knotting RedH
Knotting Ladyrudale 2nd BlackH
Cranworth Plucky Red or DunH Trillium Cluny (2141) BlackHNA
Woodmagic Plover 2nd DunH
Brush Creek's Desert Rose Red or DunH Shome Eric's Jessy's James Red or DunH Shome Gulliver's Eric BlackH Trillium Gulliver Red or DunH
Shome Emalee BlackH
Shome Jesika DunH Trillium Gulliver Red or DunH
Shome Jewle BlackH
Molly of Tak-Sca-Du-Hav BlackH Jimbo of Tak-Sca-Du-Hav BlackH Junior of Tak-Sca-Du-Hav BlackH
Singer of Tak-Sca-Du-Hav BlackH
Fortune of Tak-Sca-Du-Hav BlackH Hickory Acres' Warrior BlackH
Lady Black Fortune H

Return to Last Search Results H = Horned, P = Polled
N = Chondrodysplasia Non-carrier, C = Chondrodysplasia Carrier
A = PHA Non-carrier, B = PHA Carrier
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