SGF LPFK Antares

SGF LPFK Antares

ADCA Reg. No:  13961
Volume:  XXVII
Gender:  Bull
Polled:  Yes
Color: Red
Chondrodysplasia:  Non-carrier
PHA:  Carrier
Parentage DNA:  Sire Qualifies
Lab: TAMU 13961
Date of Birth:  04/15/2003
Breeder:  John Potter (#1275 / 2025)
Spruce Grove Farm
2524 W Elm Valley Road
Galien, MI
(269) 697-9202
Owner:  Sean Johnson (#5981 / 2009)
2275 Kale Blvd
Fairfield, IA
(515) 320-4721
Progeny (102)

SGF LPFK Antares
SGF LPFK Antares SGF LPFK Antares

SGF LPFK Antares
Lone Pine Farms Klondike DunPNB
Twi-lite Firefly Red or DunP Hillside Firebush BlackH Denali Rambler Red or DunH B & B Pioneer St. Nicholas BlackH
Oak Leaf Laura Red or DunH
Hillside Camellia BlackH Hiyu Robert P Bevan BlackH
Cranworth Nosey BlackH
Hiyu Dana BlackP Saltaire Platinum (2708) BlackPNA Migh Poldark BlackP
Saltaire Pedrilla BlackH
Lena of Myers Farm BlackH Bruno of Myers Farm BlackH
Peerless Lindy BlackH
Cranworth Zsa Zsa DunH Cranworth Xanadu Red or DunH Trillium Chabotte BlackHB Aldebaran Priapus BlackHB
Trillium Unity BlackH
Woodmagic Plover 2nd DunH Woodmagic Squirrel 2nd DunH
Woodmagic Plover BlackH
Trillium Molly DunH Cranworth Tristam DunH Luigi Red or DunH
Woodmagic Zephyr's Dodo 2nd DunH
Woodmagic Waxwing BlackH Woodmagic Mink 2nd BlackH
Windward Complex Red or DunH
SGF Easter BlackH
MLW Rory RedHNA Glencara Finerty RedHNA Lucifer of Knotting RedHA Jupiter of Knotting RedH
Knotting Ladyrudale 2nd BlackH
Cherith Brook Firefly Red or DunH Lane End Lucifer's Willie BlackH
Lane End Lucifer's Wisp BlackH
Sandhill Jane BlackH Lucifer of Knotting RedHA Jupiter of Knotting RedH
Knotting Ladyrudale 2nd BlackH
Mirinda BlackH Nikki BlackH
Dolly BlackH
SGF Kelly DunH Trevor o'Briar Hill DunH Brendan o'Briar Hill BlackH Cranworth Pilgrim Red or DunH
Coreen o'Briar Hill BlackH
Cranworth Peaches Red or DunH Trillium Cluny (2141) BlackHNA
Woodmagic Zephyr's Dodo 2nd DunH
SGF Eileen BlackH Trevor o'Briar Hill DunH Brendan o'Briar Hill BlackH
Cranworth Peaches Red or DunH
Charmin o'Briar Hill BlackH Brendan o'Briar Hill BlackH
Charlene of High Meadow BlackH

Return to Last Search Results H = Horned, P = Polled
N = Chondrodysplasia Non-carrier, C = Chondrodysplasia Carrier
A = PHA Non-carrier, B = PHA Carrier
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