MI Sweet B Lily

MI Sweet B Lily

ADCA Reg. No:  055856
Volume:  XLVII
Gender:  Cow
Polled:  Yes
Color: Red
Chondrodysplasia:  Non-carrier
PHA:  Non-carrier
Parentage DNA:  Sire and Dam Qualify
Date of Birth:  11/24/2023
Breeder:  Mike & Kelsey Pressler (#12788 / 2025)
Sweet Briar Farm Products LLC
1225 S Fairview Road
West Branch, MI
(989) 486-3317
Owner:  Mike & Kelsey Pressler (#12788 / 2025)
Sweet Briar Farm Products LLC
1225 S Fairview Road
West Branch, MI
(989) 486-3317


MI Sweet B Lily
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Return to Last Search Results H = Horned, P = Polled
N = Chondrodysplasia Non-carrier, C = Chondrodysplasia Carrier
A = PHA Non-carrier, B = PHA Carrier
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