Wynnfield Raven

Wynnfield Raven

ADCA Reg. No:  045972
Volume:  XLII
Gender:  Cow
Polled:  Yes
Color: Black
Chondrodysplasia:  Non-carrier
PHA:  Non-carrier
Parentage DNA:  Sire and Dam Qualify
Date of Birth:  04/23/2019
Breeder:  Pamela R Polk (#10221 / 2024)
Wynnfield Farm
7611 Purnell Crossing Rd
Berlin, MD
(443) 497-0267
Owner:  Victoria Rozanski (#12262 / 2020)
Clear Morning Provisions
6785 Pake Morning Ct
Hughsville, MD
(301) 643-5284


Wynnfield Raven
FF Freedom's Lakota DunPNA
FF Freedom's How Its Dun DunPNA IA Jaxon DunPNA IA Erin's Earnest Try BlackHNB Asinus Acres San Ju S BlackHC
Erin of Common Ground BlackHN
New Day Jasmine DunPNA SJDS Black Jack BlackPA
C R Lady Jade DunHA
FF Dun Playin' DunPNA Timberview Freedom RedPCA Windy Hills Rapscalion RedPA
Timberview Sadi BlackHA
WWW Xena BlackPNA WWW Wright's Samson DunPN
Boulder Fork O'Easter BlackHN
FF Dream Catcher DunHNA FF Freedom's Valor RedPNA FF Freedom's Hi-Honors BlackPNA BCF Merc Shang-Hi RedPNA
FF Jingle Belle DunHNA
FF Remembrance RedHNA SMD Jord Flaith RedHNA
FF Annie's Dear Abbey BlackHNA
FF Imagine That DunHNA FF Freedom's Royalty RedHNA SMD Jord Flaith RedHNA
TS Tonya BlackHCA
FF Penny 4 Your Thoughts DunHNA FF Freedom's Bryan DunHNA
FF Annie's Dear Abbey BlackHNA
LCF Emmy Loo BlackPNA
Belle Fourche Lasair RedPNA Belle Fourche Mr. Right RedPNA Hillview Red Wing RedPNA Hillview Dynamo SP5 BlackPN
HV Saltaire Susie BlackPNA
Hillview Frida BlackPNA Circle H's Frederick RedPNA
Hillview Vanessa P BlackPNA
Circle H's Nutmeg RedPNA Circle H's Philbert BlackP Llanfair's Mulligan RedPNA
Isabelle BlackH
Circle H's Liberty BlackP Llanfair's Mulligan RedPNA
Circle H's Belle BlackH
May Belle of White Rock BlackHNA P.R.M. Chester Red or DunH P.R.M. Red Man Red or DunH PRM Anton's Coffee BlackH
PRM Anton's Cocoa Red or DunH
P.R.M. Tots Patty BlackH P.R.M. Red Baron RedH
PRM Tinker Tot BlackH
SSD Allison BlackH P.R.M. Chester Red or DunH P.R.M. Red Man Red or DunH
P.R.M. Tots Patty BlackH
Cleo of Old Orchard BlackH Dillon of Old Orchard BlackH
Violet of Old Orchard BlackH

Return to Last Search Results H = Horned, P = Polled
N = Chondrodysplasia Non-carrier, C = Chondrodysplasia Carrier
A = PHA Non-carrier, B = PHA Carrier
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